IdHAIR Education Team

Stig and Sabrina are the core of IdHAIR's Education Team, where, in collaboration with dedicated freelance technicians, they design and implement more than 30 annual hairdressing courses for Danish as well as international hairdressers. 

The partnership combines Sabrina's creative teaching skills with Stig's constant drive for improvement, resulting in courses that not only educate but also inspire. Together, they promote an environment filled with professional competence and creative innovation.
<span class="box--sub-heading">Global Art Director:</span>STIG BO ANDERSEN

Global Art Director:STIG BO ANDERSEN

I have been IdHAIR's Global Art Director since 2019. My career as a hairdresser began in 2010, where I established a solid professional foundation. This early experience in the salon was the foundation for my future growth.

The Pursuit of Challenges:From Hairdresser to Teacher

With a burning passion for growth and challenging myself, I changed course and became a teacher at Tradium in the city of Randers. For three years, I had the great pleasure of shaping the future talents of hairdressing and contributing as an examiner at trade tests. These years were a period of immense personal and professional growth.

National Recognition: Danish Hairdresser of the Year in 2016

After gaining recognition as Danish Hairdresser of the Year in 2016, I joined IdHAIR in 2017. My journey at IdHAIR has been an exciting transformation from technician to National Art Director and later to Global Art Director in 2019.
<span class="box--sub-heading"> Journey at IdHAIR: </span> From Technician to Global Art Director

Journey at IdHAIR: From Technician to Global Art Director

In my current role as Global Art Director at IdHAIR, I thrive on daily challenges that enhance my creativity and passion for the profession. I work closely with my colleagues, where different perspectives inspire innovation and development. Collaboration and diversity are key to success in our projects.

The Latest Chapter: Product Development at IdHAIR

My focus is particularly on product development. Here, I combine my interest in the chemical universe with the ability to anticipate and innovate trends. This aspect of my work fuels my creative flame and motivates me to constantly strive for improvement.
<br><span class="box--sub-heading">Creative Educator:</span>SABRINA OPSTRUP JØRGENSEN


I have been IdHAIR's Creative Educator since 2021. My professional journey began in 2012 when I qualified as a hairdresser. With a solid professional background, the South Funen region in Denmark to help a friend start a salon from scratch. This experience gave me invaluable insight into the industry's diversity and complexity.


From South Funen to The fashion world of Copenhagen

After five years in South Funen, I returned to Copenhagen, where I further expanded my horizons. I participated in various competitions, worked as a freelancer, and took part in Fashion Weeks, both in Denmark and internationally. These experiences reinforced my passion for the profession and gave me a wide range of skills.

A Broad Spectrum of Experiences

My career embarked on a thrilling new chapter when I was presented with the opportunity to collaborate with the TV show 'Vild med Dans', the Danish equivalent to 'Strictly Come Dancing', as well as undertaking advertising and cover shoots for major fashion magazines. These projects enriched my comprehension of styling artistry and the intricate dynamics of the fashion industry.
<span class="box--sub-heading">Commitment and Passion </span> at IdHAIR

Commitment and Passion at IdHAIR

As Creative Educator at IdHAIR, I combine my love for hair and products with an ability to inspire and educate. I enjoy delving into details and sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. My role at IdHAIR is not just a job, but a passion, where I constantly seek to develop myself and those around me.
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